For my wife, a farm stand is like a homing beacon she can’t resist. Like a bee, she seems to be drawn to every farm stand we pass, attracted by the beautiful colors and scent of farm-fresh organic produce.
Farm stands offer us the best from the earth, like sweet red carrots, multicolored heirloom tomatoes, fragrant garlic, watermelons, radishes, eggs, and much more. But equally important, farm stands are an important lifeline for area farmers and their families.
Massachusetts and the Boston area have over 1700 farms, and they are mostly small operations. Being able to sell their produce directly to you is their major source of income.
Buying produce at the supermarket leaves the farmer with only 10 cents on every dollar you spend. The rest is lost on transportation, packaging, warehousing, etc. But buying at a farm stand leaves the farmer with 90 cents out of every dollar. So, it represents an important source of income, and it gives our farmers a clear message that we appreciate and support their hard work.
But not all farm stands belong to farmers. Some civic organizations run farm stands to support their cause. For example, Everett Community Growers (ECG) is working to improve health outcomes and increase civic engagement among Everett residents through urban agriculture. Membership consists of residents who work together to produce and sell their goods at their farm stand.
So pack up the kids and the dog and head out to a farm stand. Not only will it feed your family with the most nutritious and healthiest food, but it will also feed the farmer’s family. I think that is called a win-win proposition.
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Farm Stands around Boston
Farm Stands North of Boston
Farm Stands West of Boston